P@SHA and PSEB visit Denmark with 20 IT companies from Pakistan
P@SHA and PSEB visit Denmark with 20 IT companies from Pakistan In collaboration with Pakistan Embassy Denmark, Danish Industry, Copenhagen Fintech, and Digital Hub Denmark
Digital Tech Summit Denmark
Digital Tech Summit Denmark DTS marked another successful year in 2022 for Denmark/Pakistan IT Entrepreneur Forum (DPEF) since the start of the organization to collaborate with the Pakistan Tech Industry to host
Digital Tech Summit Denmark
Digital Tech Summit Denmark Digital Tech Summit (DTS) is part conference, part exhibition and part networking activities where CEOs of technology companies, researchers, students, fast-growing startups, policymakers to ask a simple question: Where to next?
10 common mistakes start-up do to fail and fail fast
The journey of a start-up - lessons learned It is important for a start-up to fail fast. But what is the common mistake to watch out for that traps the start-up journeys into spending
Denmark/Pakistan Tech Comparison Analysis
Commentary on the “Denmark/Pakistan tech analysis” conducted by DPEF. A comparative analysis to identify common synergies/challenges.
Watch the Latest Episodes of MEETUP – The Entrepreneurs Roundtable
MEET UP! - Entrepreneurs Roundtable, is a new show focusing on experienced professionals and talents from the global scene.