Ethical Guidelines
For DPEF forum members it is applied:
- The members will conduct their activity in a responsible manner. As part of this, Members will always act openly and honestly including in relation to project-seeking companies and other investors.
- Each Member will comply with the laws and regulations, including other ethical guidelines, to which the Member is subject.
- A Member’s investment-ready capital must not come from dubious or illegal activities.
- The members will work to ensure that the companies in which they have invested comply with the principles of the Guidelines.
- The members who invest together with others through joint holding companies will ensure that they are familiar with the other ultimate investors, just as they will relate to whether they are conducting activity in a fair manner.
The members will work to ensure that directors, board members, employees, advisers in their portfolio companies are familiar with the Guidelines.
Members will refrain from contributing to other Members violating the Guidelines.
If a Member makes a mistake, the member must seek to remedy the mistake and strive for the mistake not to be repeated.
Before entering into agreements, the members must loyally provide relevant information to other Members, the potential portfolio companies, others, if any. investors.
Members will only make promises, including non-legally binding promises, that Members reasonably expect to be able to keep, just as Members will keep promises already made.
- The members will strive for agreements reached that clearly regulate the legal position of the parties.
Each Member will provide potential Contracting Parties, including (co) investors, buyers, sellers, borrowers, portfolio companies and lenders, with a realistic picture of the Member’s financial and competence capabilities, so that negotiations are not initiated and conducted on the basis of incorrect assumptions.
The members will assess their impartiality in all matters, including in relation to project-seeking companies. If there is a conflict of interest or possible conflict of interest, the Members will as soon as conveniently loyally inform about it on their own initiative and otherwise handle the conflict of interest or the possible conflict of interest in an appropriate manner.
The members will keep secret and refrain from abusing confidential information that they become aware of as an investor and lender as well as possibly as an advisor to a project-seeking company, including in connection with negotiations on a possible agreement, even if no explicit confidentiality agreement has been entered into. Members will only share confidential information with third parties by prior arrangement.
Members will take appropriate measures to ensure that confidential information is kept confidential.
When a project-seeking company shares information with DPEF, the company also agrees that DPEF, as part of its usual operation, can share the information with the Members and DPEF’s partners as well as with third parties, such as are invited to attend DPEF ‘s meetings and events.
The members will carry out their activities in a professional manner and avoid taking actions that are illegal, inappropriate or detrimental to DPEF’s reputation or the reputation of the industry interests that DPEF represents. In connection with the performance of their activities, the members must also show decency and behave respectfully towards each other, the project-seeking companies, other investors, employees at DPEF’s secretariat and others.
Members will not directly or indirectly make defamatory statements about or dishonest criticism of other Members or DPEF.
At DPEF’s request, members will pass on general information about investments made, exits, capital raised, etc. to DPEF, so that DPEF can prepare information material, including statistical material, for the Members and for use in DPEF’s work as an opinion maker and influencer of public opinion. DPEF
treats the information received confidentially, and information received by members is published only in summary and anonymized form.DPEF does not make specific recommendations on potential investments. The members will perform their own due diligence and, on that basis, make their own commercial decision on whether or not to make an investment.
DPEF is not a trade association. DPEF neither receives fees from nor submits fees to third parties in relation to the specific investments made by the Members, unless DPEF has clearly stated this. Information on this can be obtained by contacting DPEF’s secretariat.
DPEF is a not for profit association that runs on donations and membership fee´s by paying members that chose to invest in DPEF activities with expected beneficiary outcome.