We are organized in a DPEF board/steering committee and forum areas. Each forum area has a group responsible and a business developer role attached. The steering committee consist of forum responsible´s/area experts and investors. The board will consist of DPEF management/industry responsible/investors/business developers.

DPEF board

DPEF board constitutes of the founding members and board members and is elected by the general assembly according to the articles of association. DPEF board meets yearly.

DPEF steering committee

The Steering Committee’s role is to provide advice, ensure progression and delivery of the project outputs and the achievement of project outcomes. The steering group meets monthly hereunder meeting with one of the tracks responsible to get updated on their activity. The steering group approves and issues a monthly newsletter of the DPEF track activities that communications prepare.


Communications follow up with the tracks on monthly basis in order to assemble and purpose DPEF newsletter. Communications handle DPEF website and Linkedin group and communication about DPEF ongoing activities on social media. Communication can produce white papers based on DPEF activities to be communicated. White papers will be reviewed by Steering Committee.

Track Responsible Role

The tracks responsible is responsible to prepare monthly input to communications for track activities. Track responsible has the administrative role in establishing a Facebook group for the track dialogue and a storing place for documents e.g. one note. Track responsible ensures action points are agreed upon and followed up at track meetings.

Business Developer Role

The business developer role ensures new ideas/opportunities are identified within the group and proposes projects based on dialogue in the group. The developer also ensures together with the rest of the group that existing projects are progressed and executed.

Names of Group Responsible